Unplug Your Wedding

January 01, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

We do weddings.  A. LOT. OF. WEDDINGS.  And a new trend we see and love is the Unplugged Wedding.  What is it, you ask?  An unplugged wedding is when you ask your guests to simply be guests.  So many loved ones have great intentions of capturing your I DOs on camera, but they either miss out on the magic of hearing your vows, or they get in the way of the photographer that you hired to be there.

Is this really a problem?  Not at all.  It is.  Imagine impatiently waiting to get your wedding photos back, and as you are going through them, you find that your "You May Kiss The Bride" photo is nothing but the back of Aunt Gertrude's head and an iPhone stuck casually up in the air as she pushed her way into the aisle to get the perfect picture.  Would you be bummed?  The photographer would be.  Because Aunt Gertrude's picture will most likely be blurry, and you most likely won't want a canvas of the back of her head hanging on your living room wall, all you will have is the memory of that moment.

You see, as a photographer, it's not that we think we take the best pictures in the world.  It's the fact that you entrusted us to capture your wedding day.  One of the biggest days of your life.  And we want nothing more than to do an amazing job for you.  We want you to relive the magic of your wedding day every single time you look at your wedding pictures.

So, how do you go about asking people to unplug?  There are some really cute ways to add to your wedding decor.  You can have a wooden sign made for a rustic wedding, add it to your RSVP card, or you can print and frame a sign to add to your ceremony entrance. Your guests will see it as they enter the ceremony site.  We have some really cute ones that we made available for instant download at https://www.etsy.com/shop/richardflemingphotog.  Once your guests know that you are serious about Unplugging your Wedding, they will be more than happy to oblige.

So here's to unplugging your day!  

Richard and Myra 




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